Bandung, 9 April 1941
Pengalaman Kerja
2019-2024 Vice Chairman of the lndonesian Red Cross
2014-2019 Acting Chairman of the lndonesian Red Cross
2009-2014 Member, Advisory Council of the President. Republic of Indonesia
2004-2009 Chairman, House of Regional Representatives (DPD)
1998-1999 Vice Chairrran, the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR)
1993-1998 Coordinating Minister of the E,cor-rorny, Finance, and Industry
1988-1993 Minister of State fbr National Developrnent Planning/ Chairman of National Developrnent Planning Agency (Bappenas)
1988-1993 Minister of Mines and Energy
1983-1988 Junior Minister for tlre Promotion of Domestic Products
1985-1988 Chainnan of the Investrnent Coordinating Agency (BKPM)
1995-1998 Senior Lecturer. Post Graduate Program on Development Studies, Bandung lnstitute of Technology (lTB)
1995-present Professor of Public Adrnininistration, Brawijaya University